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Lechteich is a
Torah movement
for the 21st century
reaching over 20,000 Yidden each week.

Join the journey with Lechteich’s weekly parshah podcast and publication, shiurim on mussar, stories of greatness, a Haggadah and more.

About Lechteich

Founder and Host of Lechteich

Rabbi Don Jarashow is an alumnus of Bais Shraga (Monsey) and Mir (Yerushalayim). He has semichah from BMG, where he was a rosh chaburah. Reb Don has also founded a kollel and served as a sho’el umaishiv and Olami mekarev. His passion is teaching and spreading Torah to all of klal Yisroel.

Reb Don founded Lechteich in memory of his brother, Noach Raphael z”l, and his chavrusa, Yisroel Levin z”l, to empower individuals to overcome life’s challenges. Through weekly parshah insights, mussar, and more, Lechteich helps people discover renewed purpose and clarity.

Reb Don’s shiurim can be found on, on your preferred podcast platform, and on TorahAnytime.

Latest in Parshah Podcast

The Keruvim & The Bibas Children | Parshas Terumah
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The Keruvim & The Bibas Children | Parshas Terumah

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Latest in Footsteps of Greatness

Latest in Mussar Podcast


Rav Yosef Viener

Kehillas Shaar Hashamayim, Monsey

Rav Don’s sincerity and idealism are evident in his writing. His words are "devarim hayotzin min halev v'nichnasin el halev."

Rav Shmuel Felder

Posek, Bais Medrash Govoha of Lakewood

There is no doubt that people who bring the Haggadah, Lechteich Acharai, into their homes will feel the benefit from it.

Rav Avrohom Chaim Feuer

Kehilas Beis Avrohom, Monsey

You have created a fascinating collection of choice divrei Torah – insightful, engaging, and sure to keep readers wanting for more…


Chicago, IL

I get a lot of chizzuk from your divrei Torah and look forward to them every Erev Shabbos. It’s the first thing on my playlist as I make the cholent.


Lakewood, NJ

Major deep topic this week. Amazing. I actually printed it out and gave it to my class.


Philadelphia, PA

Don, I’m in the middle of listening to your podcast. I am blown away and in tears...thank you for this constant chizzuk.

Lechteich Acharai Haggadah

Available on Amazon and in your local bookstore.


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