Don Jarashow
R' Don Jarashow is the founder and host of Lechteich. Beyond Lechteich, Don has served as a rebbi, kollel founder, sho’el umaishiv, kiruv Rabbi for Olami, maggid shiur, and rosh chaburah in BMG.
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The Keruvim & The Bibas Children | Parshas Terumah
In this week's episode, we explore the powerful symbolism of the Keruvim in this week's parshah and their connection to the tragic story of the Bibas children, hy"d. This episode reminds us that no matter how dark the world may seem, our bond with Hashem remains our guiding light.
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In the Footsteps of Rav Shach
Criticism can feel like arrows, but Rav Shach saw it as a badge of honor. When a young rabbi complained
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