Parshah Podcast
Delve into the Torah's timeless wisdom and uncover uplifting and empowering lessons tailored to the challenges of our generation.
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The Keruvim & The Bibas Children | Parshas Terumah
In this week's episode, we explore the powerful symbolism of the Keruvim in this week's parshah and their connection to the tragic story of the Bibas children, hy"d. This episode reminds us that no matter how dark the world may seem, our bond with Hashem remains our guiding light.
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Panoramic Vision | Parshas Yisro
Yisro’s greatness wasn’t just in what he heard—it was in how he saw. This week, we explore why the parshah of Matan Torah is named after him and how his perspective teaches us to rise above the momentary and focus on the eternal.
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Victory Redefined | Parshas Beshalach
At a recent parlor meeting for a kollel, Rav Avraham Krohn inspired the audience with a powerful insight from Rav
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Chanukah: Ignite and Excite
Do you want children who will be talmidei chachamim, the ultimate nachas and joy? Come, listen; I’ll tell you the secret: Neiros Chanukah.
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Vayeishev: Voices from Flames
In Yiddishkeit the message we need to hear doesn’t always come in the form of the written wordg. Sometimes feelings are what is being transmitted, and the heart and soul are the receivers.
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Vayishlach: The Power of Prayer
Hear how earthly events are influenced by the heavenly realm.
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Vayeitzei: Bedrock of Bitachon
Discover a hidden cornerstone of bitachon in the famous episode of the rocks over Yaakov's head.
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Toldos: Empower Your Prayer
Empower your tefillah and elevate it to new heights—see the incredible impact it can have, and take inspiration from those who have done so before you.
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